Video Production

A small selection from the hundreds of videos I’ve created over the years.


Creative Direction & Strategy / Director / Producer / Editor. Director of Photography: Daniel St. Ours. Second collaboration with ALEK FIN.

alek fin - “LMG” MUSIC VIDEO

Developed treatment, directed, & edited this music video for the title-track off of ALEK FIN’s “LMG” EP. Worked collaboratively with the artist to develop a narrative concept that authentically and appropriately captured the profound, very personal nature of the song’s subject matter. This video was shot on location during sunrise as well as on my kitchen island. Shot on an incredibly limited budget with a crew of 3 (one DP, one actress, and myself). All effects were practical. Shot by Daniel St. Ours.


Developed treatment, shot, directed, & edited this film about Stanley Engineered Fastening’s partnership with renowned automotive manufacturer Audi in their efforts to reduce the weight of their vehicle line to improve fuel efficiency while reducing the carbon footprint. While waiting to fly out of the US to Germany, the production time went from an allotted 3 days to 3 hours. I spent 24 hours in Germany and shot for a total of 2.5 hours, but managed to pull off this production — because there’s always a way to make it happen.

DEWALT Multi-Material Oscillating Tool. “It's not one tool, it's all of them.”

When the outside agency quote is far above the available budget but you need to maintain the same level of quality…you turn to my team. DEWALT needed a hero video to launch their new oscillating multi-tool, and my in-house video production team was up for the challenge. I re-developed the treatment and concept and produced this spot. My two member team made it all a reality, from building mini-sets for the action shots to shooting and editing the final cut. This is a perfect example of why I was always so proud of the work they did. Where there’s a will, there truly is a way.


Every year, STANLEY tools schedules a photoshoot with their driver to capture new promo photos. This particular year, I was asked to lead video production to capture some behind-the-scenes content as well as a paint scheme reveal video. That was the brief. I developed the concepts, directed, produced, & edited not only the requested assets, but also pushed to create a 5-part interview series for social channels: 1) to show a different side of Daniel, a trailblazing racer in the American-dominated NASCAR racing series and 2) to create return viewership on social. Shot by Jonathan Henderson.

STANLEY Security & Evolv - Helping Improve Security for Niagara Falls Schools

During the pandemic, the opportunities to go shoot customer stories on location were essentially non-existent. As things started opening back up, there was a great opportunity to capture the story of how the Niagara Falls School District was redefining their security measures with the help of a certain innovative solution and supportive security partner. I produced, directed, & edited this film to share that story. With just a few hours over the course of 2 days, I, along with support from a 2-person crew hired through Upwork, shot this onsite.